Historical Background
1. Jericho was a well-fortified Canaanite city before the arrival of the Israelites.
2. It’s an ancient city with about 6–7 thousand years of history.
3. Archaeologists have uncovered 23 levels of civilizations in Tel Jericho.
4. The city was fortified with double walls. • The walls were constructed of large stones at the base and mud bricks continuing upwards. • The exterior wall’s stone base was about 10–12 feet high (3 m.), and the mud brick wall on top of it was another 20–25 feet tall (7 m.), for a total of around 35 feet (11 m.). • The inner wall was constructed the same way; only it rose even higher than the exterior wall for a total height of around 50 feet (15 m.). • The width of the walls were around 10 feet (3 m.) wide, and people lived in them (Josh. 2:15). • These double walls were enormous and overwhelming in size and strength. 5. Jericho was given by Marc Antony (Roman general under Julius Caesar) to Cleopatra (Pharaoh of Egypt) as a wedding gift in 36 BC. 6. King Herod built a winter palace in Jericho around 20 BC and would later die there as well. 7. During the Byzantine period, homes and churches were built in the area. 8. During the Crusader period, the town was moved about a mile (1.6 km.) southeast of Tel Jericho. Places of Interest in General 1. Tel Jericho 2. Mount of Temptation Monastery 3. Jericho Cable Cars (access to Mount of Temptation Monastery) 4. Hisham’s Palace (8th-century Muslim Palace)
5. Modern Jericho
6. Shittim (place the Israelites camped on the east side of the Jordan River before entering the Promised Land)
7. Camp Gilgal (place the Israelites camped after entering the Promised Land)
8. Zacchaeus Tree
9. Herod’s Palace
10. St. George’s Monastery (hanging monastery with Cave of Elijah) 11. Baptismal Site of Jesus
12. Jordan River
13. Dead Sea
Places of Interest at Tel Jericho
1. Elisha’s Spring (tourist viewing place)
2. Tower
3. Walls
4. Ancient Homes (location 1)
5. Burn & Ash Layers
6. Palace
7. Building
8. Neolithic Tower
9. Byzantine Homes
10. Walls
11. Ancient Homes (location 2)
12. Preserved Wall and Homes (this area is likely where Rahab lived as it was spared in the destruction by the Lord)
13. Elisha’s Spring (main source)
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