Hello kitty i inne zagrożenia – Hello Kitty a iné hrozby

Ks. Marek Bałwas.
1. Materiały „Odebrać dzieciom niewinność“
2. „Monster High“, „Hello Kitty„- zagrożenia dla dzieci!
Fragment konferencji. Ks. Marek Bałwas – Wołomin Par. MBCZ 09.06.2013r. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=…

O vybraných duchovných hrozbách hovorí Andrzej Wronka

Cyklus rozhlasových relácií Andrzeja Wronku o duchovných hrozbách, ktorý sa už 20 rokov venuje apologetike – teda obrane katolíckej viery pred obvineniami z rôznych protináboženských a protikresťanských prostredí.

Webový link na rozhlasové relácie v poľskom jazyku:


1. Čo ohrozuje naše deti
2. Prečo je Harry Potter nebezpečný
3. Svedkovia Jehovovi
4. New Age – reinkarnácia
5. New Age – falošný ekumenizmus
6. Mágia
7. Horoskopy – časť 1.
8. Horoskopy – časť 2.
9. Talizmany a amulety

Andrzej Wronka

Andrzej Wronka Pán Andrzej Wronka sa vo svojich aktivitách dotýka takých tém, ako sú: Svedkovia Jehovovi, psychomanipulácia, sekty, satanizmus, mágia, veštenie, posadnutosť, horoskopy, New Age, informačná vojna, reinkarnácia, Hari Krišna, evanjelizačné témy a apoštolát tzv. pomoc dušiam v očistci.

All I Wanted was Love | Ex-Satanist John Ramirez

Všetko, čo som chcel, bola láska | Ex-satanista John Ramirez

All I Wanted was Love | Ex-Satanist John Ramirez

John Ramirez shares his powerful testimony on how he grew up deep in witchcraft and demonic spiritual warfare and how God completely changed his life inside out and upside down.

John Ramirez sa zdieľa silným svedectvom ako upadol do čarodejníctva a démonického duchovného boja, ako Boh úplne zmenil, prevrátil a nasmeroval jeho život.

Hypnosis and Yoga Open Hidden Spiritual Doors

Hypnosis and yoga are a couple of mystical practices which have basically gone mainstream in America today. Just because a spiritual practice goes mainstream, however, doesn’t mean that it is safe and beneficial. Many spiritual teachings and practices are dangerous to the soul. This calls for daily discernment and constant vigilance on the part of every Christian.
Altered states of consciousness and other mystical practices open doors in the spiritual realm. Once a door is opened, a person becomes vulnerable to any spirits which come through that door. For example, a seance opens a door. So do animal sacrifices….and all voodoo rituals as well. Astrology is another spiritual exercise which opens a door. Even something seemingly as innocent as placing a Native American „dreamcatcher“ above your bed opens a door in the spiritual realm.
A number of years ago a mother heard me talk about dreamcatchers. She told me that her daughter had been having nightmares every night for years. She immediately removed the dreamcatcher from her daughter’s bed. The first night the dreamcatcher came down, the nightmares stopped and never came back. Close the spiritual door and you close off access to unwanted spirits.
Hypnosis is basic to the Eastern religions. Prominent hypnotists have estimated that there are probably over 100 different stages of hypnotic trance. Christians should never allow themselves to be put in a trance….regardless of who is leading you into that mental state of relaxation. No matter what obstacles we face, God will help us if we rely upon Him rather than magical or mystical experiences. It is very dangerous to open hidden spiritual doors through hypnosis.
These doors are „hidden“ because they are invisible to the human eye. You also don’t see the spirits that come through these doors. Likewise, you don’t see the Holy Spirit or Jesus when you trust Christ for salvation. Nevertheless, God enters your heart through a door in the spiritual realm the moment you are converted.

Crystals: A Christian Perspective (Kryštály – Kresťanský pohľad)

Kryštály – Kresťanský pohľad

One of the most frequent questions I have received since coming out of the New Age movement is how can we understand crystals? In this video, we look at one scientific argument and two Biblical arguments as to why crystals should be avoided in healing and therapy.

Jednou z najčastejších otázok, ktoré dostávam po vystúpení z hnutia New Age, je, ako môžeme porozumieť kryštálom? V tomto videu sa pozrieme na jeden vedecký argument a dva biblické argumenty, prečo by sme sa mali kryštálom pri liečení a terapii vyhýbať.