V tomto videu jeho autor posedel s bývalým učiteľom kundaliní a hatha jogy Mikeom Shrevom, ktorý má za sebou rozsiahle štúdium a prax v hinduizme a jogových tradíciách.
In this video, I sit down with former Kundalini and hatha yoga teacher Mike Shreve, who has extensive study and practice in Hinduism and yogic traditions. After overseeing hundreds of students, running 2 ashrams, and teaching yoga at 4 different universities, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ and has since been in full-time ministry. In this video, we cover the dangers of yoga, why Christians shouldn’t practice yoga, examine the spiritual foundation of yoga, and talk about the gifts and power of the Spirit.
Po tom, čo dohliadal na stovky študentov, viedol dva ášramy a učil jogu na štyroch rôznych univerzitách, zažil stretnutie s Ježišom Kristom a odvtedy slúži na plný úväzok. V tomto videu sa venujeme nebezpečenstvám jogy, prečo by kresťania nemali praktizovať jogu, skúmame duchovný základ jogy a hovoríme o daroch a moci Ducha.